The young girls who are also school drop out girls and some young mothers have learnt skills in tailoring and now they can sew clothes. Implemented by VAD, funded by Friends of Uganda-Germany and Schock FoundationAtiang Mary 18 years, happy that she has acquired knowledge and skills in tailoring and now she can sew shirts, skirts, re-usable sanitary pads. She has been trained for 2 months now and she confidently confirmed that she has got the knowledge. Thanks to Mrs. ILSE SCHUMMER of Friends of Uganda-Germany and Schock Foundation for the tremendous support.Some of the trained girls at the newly vocational centre at Kapelebyong town council Kapelebyong District North Eastern Uganda.Proscovia 18 years a resident of Kapelebyong District, she has gained knowledge and skills in tailoring, making liquid soap and she is happy with the vocational centre. Thanks to VAD, Friends of Uganda and Schock Foundation for the tremendous support in the region.The girls have made the pads to keep their reusable sanitary pads. They will sell these bags to the people, and gain money.The established vocational centre which was constructed by VAD with funding from Friends of Uganda-Germany and Schock Foundation
Voluntary Action for Development has successfully constructed a vocational centre at Kapelebyong District in the North Eastern Uganda. The vocational centre has been equipped with a total of 14 sewing machines including ordinary machines, over-lock machine and sweater making machine. A total of 30 young girls have been enrolled and they are being taught by 2 teachers. VAD provided all the materials to be used while learning. We are happy to say that, the vocational centre is doing very well, young girls have learnt various skills in tailoring and how to make liquid soap making. One of the interviewed girl called Proscovia confirmed that she can now sew small shirts, re-usable sanitary pads, skirts and she said in the near future she is planning to start her small tailoring services. Thank you VAD, thank you Friends of Uganda-Germany and thank you Schock Foundation for the tremendous support which is first of the kind in our region. Compiled by Lilian Nakijoba Programmes Manager VAD