VAD with support from Signpost International-UK has provided 14 Community Agricultural Trainers (CATs) with 14 bicycles, gumboots which items are going to easen the trained CATs while conducting farmer to farmer follow ups. The project being implemented is, “Increasing Household Livelihood Security for Women and Youth in Teso, North East Uganda’ and 250 farmers have directly benefited from these interventions. All the 10 farmers group @25 members in (Aturai and Akulunyo in Kapelebyong District North Eastern Uganda) have been provided with revolving loans (Ugx 24,000,000) and they have injected in their small businesses and farmers’ incomes have increased. The targeted farmers now eat at least 2 or 3 meals a day with well balanced diet which situation was not there before. They Farmers have applied best agronomic practices on their gardens and are planting in row and are yielding good crops.