VAD has improved food security and increased household incomes among the small holder farmers of kapelebyong district where we targeted 250 direct farmers for 2 years- funded by signpost international uk
Some of the harvested cassava One of VAD project staff Liz Akannyo conducting a training in Agronomic best practices where we targeted 5 farmers group of 25 members each inclusion with 15 People With Disabilities. This was in Aturai village of Okoboi parish in Kapelebyong DistrictFarmers representatives were provided with Oxen and Ox-ploughs as part of Agricultural inputs to ease the cultivation of our targeted farmers hence improved production. Above are the pairs of Ox-ploughs providedTargeted farmers during a training in nutrition basics, vegetable growing and other related agricultural trainings; photo taken in KapelebyongA pair of Oxen/bulls provided to the targeted farmers of Kapelebyong; this is used to open up big land and carry out agriculture on a very piece of land to increase production which later increase household food production and incomes.
2 thoughts on “VAD has improved food security and increased household incomes among the small holder farmers of kapelebyong district where we targeted 250 direct farmers for 2 years- funded by signpost international uk”
Thanks for helping in eradicating poverty among the small scale farmers in Uganda.
Thank you so much for your feed back James