nyada primary school with a newly constructed 16 lined gender seggregated laltrine- big thanks to our partner just a drop-uk

Nyada Community primary school is located in Kapelebyong District NE region. Before VAD’s intervention, pupils were very many of about 537 but did not have a proper latrine as they were using only 2 stanced latrine and nearly filled. In 2021, one of our longest partner Just A Drop funded the WASH project improvement where VAD constructed a 16 lined gender segregated latrine with a washroom for girls and urinal for boys. but most importantly, the girl child benefited alot as during their their menstrual periods the girls will be in position to fully clean themselves using the provided borehole at school and using the privacy washroom. In addition to the WASH project, Signpost International-UK another VAD’s partner also funded VAD with School feeding programme in Nyada still a project which commence in February 2022. As of now, the school enrollment in Nyada PS has increased to 784 pupils. This has attributed to the WASH project and the school feeding programme hence children learn in a clean, safe and user friendly environment.

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